Saturday, October 07, 2006

Just messin with Stu.....

EDIT: Here's my final Stu pose. This one is for the class 102 assignment. Feels blah to me but then again I have stared at it for quite some time. That darnback hand pissin me off!! Anyways, this is what I turned in as my final project. Till next time.....PEACE!
EDIT: The one that didn't show up! Edit 2: It showed up!! Sorry for postin it twice!
Just tryin to get use to Maya and Stu. Some horrible poses! heehee Practice...practice...practice!! Till next post------PEACE!!!!


Blogger Maciek Gliwa said...

Hi Miles,
I think you should think more about negative space. Try to separate limbs one from other. Think about counter motion, if you rotate hips shoulders tend to rotate opposite direction, it is not a rule, but it is good to keep that in mind. Try not to break line of action, for example in first pose you could use the left leg, stretch it some more to support line of action of the entire character. Also keep in mind that spine usually works as a unit. It consists of several parts, but movement of the one part implies the movement on the other. In the second pose upper spine seems to be a little bit disjointed from the rest of the body. Also the wrist in the right arm seems to be broken, think about the natural ranges of motion, you probably wouldn't rotate the wrist in this direction that much. Think more about the force, if the left arm supports the head (second pose) which is heavy in case of Stu, you would rotate the wrist there in order the hand to support the weight of the head. Hope that helps. Can't wait to see more of your assignments.


2:15 AM  

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